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An Overview of Barracuda Email Security

In today’s era, nearly everyone uses the internet to look for products, goods, and services. This has given people the ability to communicate with almost anyone at any time, mainly through the use of email. At the same time, this added connectiveness also makes people more vulnerable. Hackers may be

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What causes computers to slow down?

Computers begin to run slow due to a variety of different reasons. This is a regular occurrence, so there is no need to panic if your desktop or laptop begins to run slow. It can simply be due to everyday activity on your computer, such as running programs and searching

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IT Policies to Help Protect Your Company

Most companies have an IT department or, at the very least, a computer support specialist. Established policies and procedures are part of that infrastructure to ensure the best use of IT resources. The reason to have IT policies range, and they encompass an entire company’s needs. For example, they must

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The difference between Office 365 and an on-premise exchange server

Historically, on-premise exchange servers have dominated the market. In the past, these servers were responsible for bringing new features and services to customers. Even though they were reliable, the demands throughout the market started to change. These exchange servers got too large, and space continues to be at a premium.

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What Is Workstation Monitoring?

With the increasing dependence on remote workstations and technology as a whole, many companies are shifting to something called workstation monitoring. While this is also called workstation surveillance, the primary purpose of workstation monitoring is to monitor every workstation at a company, detecting problems before they start to cause significant

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Meetings and Conferencing in Microsoft Teams

With more people than ever working remotely, video conferencing has become integral to the structure and function of many businesses. Microsoft has entered the discussion with its service, called Microsoft Teams. MS Teams is a user-friendly digital collaboration software that will compete with many other services in the industry. Of

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Qualities Every Computer Technician Should Have

Computer technicians provide support to users, usually via a help desk or ticketing system used to track requests and resolutions. Techs may find employment through government agencies, private corporations and nonprofit organizations — anywhere that technical assistance may be required, including managed service providers. Find out what traits mark successful

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What Is Microsoft Teams?

In today’s world, people work and live in a truly global environment. Many people are looking at working remotely, including from home. Therefore, it is essential for businesses to have ways for employees to collaborate over large distances. This is where services such as MS Teams are helpful. There are

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Rethinking Your IT Hardware Maintenance & Support Strategy

If you are running your own business, then you know just how integral your technology is. Your networks, servers, hardware, and software all play a role in the way your business functions. While it is crucial for you to think about your overhead costs, it is also critical for you

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Most Common Cybersecurity Mistakes People Make

Even though high-profile assaults make for major news when they target corporations, the reality is that cyberattacks can take place at all levels. Even the small mom and pop shop up the street is a target for criminals who are looking to take advantage of someone’s private information. For this

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