WatchGuard: Basic Security VS. Total Security

WatchGuard - Basic Security VS. Total Security

In today’s business world, nearly every company depends on its network to run its day to day operations. This includes storing sensitive information on its employees, its customers, and its company as a whole. With the tremendous amount of data that is transmitted across these networks, companies must take steps to safeguard their private data. That is where cybersecurity is essential. There are a few options from which companies can choose when it comes to their protection. Two of the most popular options include WatchGuard and Basic and Total Security.

Both WatchGuard Basic and Total Security have proven their worth; however, some companies might be wondering whether they should choose one over the other. To make an educated decision, people need to know about the features provided by each. Then, organizations can make a choice regarding which is best for their company. While it is essential to have a strong IT team that can address acute problems when they arise, it is always better to prevent a cyber-attack than it is to stop one that has already taken place. That is where WatchGuard can be helpful.

An Overview of the Features Provided by WatchGuard

WatchGuard is one of the leading cybersecurity providers on the open market today. Several features set WatchGuard apart from the competition. One of the top features of WatchGuard is the fact that it provides a tremendous amount of support to its clients, even using a limited budget.

Another one of the most critical features of WatchGuard is that it comes with a subscription to something called LiveSecurity. LiveSecurity provides everyone with the backup they need. This starts with an initial subscription to LiveSecurity that provides support the instant someone boots up their WatchGuard appliance.

For those who might not know, the service that comes with LiveSecurity provides rapid-response tech support. Besides, LiveSecurity also includes a hardware warranty that will replace someone’s device if something goes wrong. LiveSecurity also offers free software updates. This is one of the essential features of LiveSecurity because hackers are always looking for vulnerabilities in outdated packages that need to be replaced. Finally, LiveSecurity also provides everyone with clear information on active threats, ensuring all users with instructions on how to eliminate them. This saves people time and money.

Furthermore, these updates do not require any new paperwork or subscriptions. Users have to download the updates into their systems. The goal of LiveSecurity is to provide everyone with comprehensive protection in addition to trained experts who can provide telephone and web support when this is required. The added benefit of LiveSecurity is one of the primary reasons why so many people have turned to WatchGuard for help.

An Overview of WatchGuard’s Basic Security Suite

This includes many traditional network security services. Some of the most important features to note include:

  • A service that specializes in preventing intrusion, looking for active threats and signs of pending attacks, preventing them from taking place
  • The latest Gateway antivirus software, preventing malware from destroying data that might be present on the networks at that time
  • Application control measures, ensuring that all open apps do not contain malicious code that might otherwise harm the system
  • Spam blocking capabilities, protecting people’s emails from being bombarded with this useless information
  • URL filtering, making sure that all URLs are what they say they are

Besides, the Basic Security Suite also provides access to centralized network visibility and management system. This allows administrators to have a tremendous level of control over their networks, protecting them from harm. The Basic Security Suite also provides access to support 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

An Overlap Between the Basic Security Suite and Total Security Service

Users must note some of the services that are covered by both the Basic Security Suite as well as the Total Security Package. The areas of overlap include:

  • Both the Basic Security Suite and Total Security Service provide users with the ability to scan traffic and signatures in real-time, preventing threats from taking hold
  • They both take steps to block both malicious sites and content that might be inappropriate, helping to conserve bandwidth on the network
  • Both services also use antivirus software to target viruses, worms, trojans, new versions of old infections, suspicious data, and other harmful packages of code that might harm the network
  • They both conduct network discovery, mapping every device as it actively looks for risks
  • Reputation discovery is another prominent feature of Basic Security Suite and Total Security Service to protect people against rogue sites, reducing overhead costs
  • They conduct application control, deciding which applications can be opened by which users and how they can be used
  • Spam prevention is a feature of both the Basic Security Suite and Total Security Service, helping to protect users against inbox glut and phishing attacks

These are the features that are covered by both the Basic Security Suite and Total Security Service. Now, it is time to look at the upgrades that are offered by the Total Security Service.

The Total Security Service offers additional Features

For those who are wondering whether they need the Total Security Service, it is essential to note that this service provides all of the features provided by the Basic level in addition to many added functions. Some of the most critical added features include sandboxing in the cloud, more malware protection, DNS protection, more network visibility, and an upgraded level of customer support. Some of the specific features that are offered by the enhanced Total Security Service include:

  • An APT Blocker: The Total Security Suite takes advantage of a new tool called a sandbox that is designed to detect, isolate, confine, and eliminate threats including ransomware, jackware, and others that might fall through the cracks with other systems
  • Access Portal: The Total Security Suite provides access to something called an access portal, which allows people to place all of their apps in a single location
  • Data Protection Against Loss: With data loss being a primary concern, the Total Security Suite provides all users with protection for sensitive information that might have otherwise left the network
  • Threat Detect and Elimination: The Total Security Suite provides an advanced threat detection and response system that immediately eliminates malware attacks
  • DNS Watch: This system has been designed to look for suspicious DNS requests and block them, redirecting users to another safer area

These added features have made the Total Security Suite one of the most comprehensive products on the market today when it comes to cybersecurity

Choosing the Basic Security Suite or the Total Security Suite from Watchguard

The Total Security Suite is one of the most protective options when it comes to cybersecurity; however, not everyone is going to need to have this level of protection. People must take a look at the features of both and decide which is right for them. While this decision might be hard, there are trained professionals who are willing to lend a helping hand. If you have questions about which service is right for you, give us a call today! We have a team of trained, friendly professionals who can help you out when you need it most.

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