Top Cybersecurity Tips When Using Zoom

Top Cybersecurity Tips When Using Zoom

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm and has forced many people to work remotely. People still need to collaborate with fellow students, coworkers, and even family members during this time of social distancing. This has led to the rise of video conferencing solutions, with Zoom at the top of the list. This is the most popular video conferencing app in the United States and is also incredibly popular in Europe

With popularity comes a sometimes unwanted level of attention. This has led to the platform coming under fire from cyberattacks, forcing the company to adapt quickly to improve their cybersecurity measures. While Zoom does have its upsides, it is important for every user, company, and organization taking advantage of Zoom to protect itself with some basic cybersecurity measures.

The Vulnerabilities of Zoom

There are a number of vulnerabilities in Zoom’s app that many hackers have taken advantage of. For example, the company issued a claim that all remote meetings that took place using its software were encrypted from end to end. In reality, this was false. The company uses transport encryption which means that there are vulnerabilities in Zoom’s software even if it protects the user’s Wi-Fi.

Given that all Zoom meetings are public by default, the link can be shared with almost anyone, leading to the rise of something called Zoombombing. Anyone who guesses the link has an easy entry into the meeting, potentially stealing the private information of others.

Finally, there is even a Company Directory that could expose people’s personal email accounts, including photos, to others. Fortunately, there are ways that people can protect themselves using Zoom.

Protective Measures While Using Zoom

Anyone who uses Zoom for work or school must take steps to protect themselves while using this video conferencing software. First, everyone should register for Zoom using either a work or school email address. Do not use personal email addresses. That way, if the email address is linked, it isn’t a personal account. Regardless, the account should be secured using multi-factor authentication to make it safer and more difficult to hack.

Next, anyone who is organizing an online meeting using Zoom should take steps to prevent the popular hacking tactic known as “Zoombombing.” To prevent this from happening, configure the settings of the meeting to allow only invited guests. This will enable the waiting room feature, allowing the presenter to screen those who are waiting for access to the meeting. This will give the presenter a chance to catch uninvited guests before they get their hands on potentially sensitive material. Of course, do not share meeting links with anyone who is not coming to the meeting. Keep it off of public channels, such as social media.

Finally, anti-phishing precautions are of vital importance while using Zoom. Be wary of domains that look similar to popular URLs and watch out for emails that come from unfamiliar email addresses. Simple spelling and grammar errors can look like familiar URLs when, in reality, it is a phishing scam. Read carefully and make sure that all appropriate measures are taken to protect those attending the meeting.

It can be helpful to take extra measures to secure Zoom login credentials. This will keep Zoom accounts safe from potential cyberattacks. It is also helpful to work with a team of cybersecurity professionals, particularly during the pandemic when remote meetings are growing in popularity.

Trust the Team at Secur01

At Secur01, we are a rapidly growing cybersecurity and data management firm. We take every measure possible to protect our clients from cyberattacks. In addition, we also assist our clients with data migration, helping them use the power of the cloud to their full advantage. During this global era of competition, it is important for companies to stay on top of the latest technological developments in the field. That is where we can help. If you are interested in learning more about our services, then please contact us today! We would be happy to help you with all of your IT needs!

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