Mind-blowing facts about data centers

Mind-blowing facts about data centers

Data centers are a critical part of the global community in which we live. While data centers play significant roles in the IT world, they also play major roles in healthcare, business, government, and just about every sector of the economy. Everyone’s beloved content, from financial information to hilarious cat videos, are stored in these critical data centers and distributed whenever they are needed. This means that data centers need to be up and running 24 hours per day, seven days per week, to meet the demand of the general public. How are data centers able to do this? There are a few mind-blowing facts that will put this in the proper perspective.

Data Centers Are Located Worldwide

Just as the entire world has become dependent on data centers, they have been spread out all over the planet. There are more than 7,500 data centers across the globe. Furthermore, more than a third of these data centers have been concentrated in the 20 largest cities in the world. Of course, more data centers are still being built. Year by year, the average growth in the world’s number of data centers is more than 20 percent. This highlights the massive demand for data centers in the world.

The Growth of the Cloud

The cloud has been one of the significant changes in the way the world’s data is stored and transmitted. By this year, around a third of all information is going to go through the cloud. The cloud is a virtual setting that makes it easier for companies and individuals to back up and store their data. The cloud also allows people to access essential data from almost anywhere on Earth, thanks to data centers. Expect the cloud to continue to grow in the coming years.

Electricity Consumption

According to information published by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), data centers use about three percent of the entire world’s electricity production. While three percent may not sound like a large number, it is once people remember everything on this planet that requires electricity. The growth of data centers is driving the world to produce more natural resources, such as electricity. Fortunately, technology is also being produced to make these advanced devices more efficient. Data centers need to provide comprehensive functions in an environmentally-conscious manner.

Largest Concentration of Data Centers

There are a few locations on Earth that are known for their high concentrations of data centers. The city with the most data centers in the world is London, England. This city has more than 337 data centers. California also has around 300 data centers and is the state in the US with the most centers. The largest concentration of data centers in a US city is located in New York, with around 300 data centers as well. This shows how important data centers are to the function of a central metropolitan area.

The Biggest Data Center in the World

Finally, the largest data center in the world is located in China in the city of Langfang. This data center is more than 6.3 million square feet in size, housing a tremendous amount of necessary hardware that stores and distributes massive amounts of data every day. For comparison, this data center is about the same size of the Pentagon, which plays a vital role in the United States military. This data center shows the importance of these technological centers and the role they play in people’s everyday lives.

Rely on Secur01 for Data and Maintenance Needs

Data centers play a vital role in the daily operations of businesses as well as people’s everyday lives. As technology improves, there are going to be evil people who seek to take advantage of this increased access. At Secur01, we take the cybersecurity and data protection of our clients seriously. We will work hard to ensure that your sensitive information is protected against both criminals and natural disasters. We can also help you with migration to cloud services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!

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